إعلان مبوب
المشاهدات: 1087
دورات لغة انجليزية و المانية - القاهرة - مصر
رمز الإعلان: 63749دورات لغة انجليزية و المانية
*كورسات لغة المانية مكثفة . The levels of German according to the European standards: (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2), the first three phases (A1, A2, B1) are covered by 6 books, 2 books for each phase, each book contains 4 units.Each phase into 3 levels (say: A1.1, A1.2,A1.3) and the student has the choice to choose from one up to three levels in one semester which is about two months. The student is provided with the an outcome of ( Reading, writing, listening, videos discussion and speaking) for one phase in 40-45 hours and the student has the choice of how many hours he would like to take in the week (always most of the students prefer to take two times per week covering 4-5 hours). بعد كورس B1 فى كورسات متخصصة فى الالمانية ت *كورسات لغة انجليزية English courses for who are feeling that they forget what you learned in schools or universities. Learn how to speak, write and read professionally. Begin the journey from the beginning to reach to your utmost goal to be fluent in the language. The course is provided from the strongest books that can serve your reading, writing, Grammar, Vocabulary, Listening, structure, Phonetics. Comprehension, etc… Fees: Very special rates according to the number of attendees. لمزيد من الاستفسار : 01151378979
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