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الاكاديمية الدولية للتعليم والتدريب والاستشارات - القاهرة - مصر
رمز الإعلان: 48647الاكاديمية الدولية للتعليم والتدريب والاستشارات
الاكاديمية الدولية للتعليم والتدريب والاستشارات تعلن الاكاديمية الدولية للتعليم و التدريب و الاستشارات عن بدء التسجيل في دبلومة ادارة المشاريع المعتمدة موعد بدء الدبلومة السبت 22 / 6 / 2013 Professional Diploma : Project Management Professional (PMP) Program Overview Diploma Topics : 1. Projects’ nature versus operations, programs and portfolios. 2. Projects’ nature versus operations, programs and portfolios. 3. Project characteristics, phases and life cycles. 4. Essence of project management. 5. Organizational structures. 6. Project management methodologies through the various knowledge areas. 7. Project management processes and interrelated interactions. 8. Integration and project manager role. 9. Hints on the “Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct”. 10. Study tips, tricks and sample questions to make studying fun, fast and effective. 2. Hand-Out Materials: Soft Copy of: 1. All course slides. 2. Slides of sample questions/answers for knowledge areas and professional responsibility. 3. PMP Handbook. 4. Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. Hard Copy of: 1. Project Management FAQs. 2. Tips for passing the PMP exam. 3. Topic-Related essays. 4. Project management templates 3. Training Methodology: The program is conducted in a highly interactive format, incorporating participant-centered learning activities such as pair and group work, games, exercises, and practice exams. The book will be used as a learning tool to develop participant skills and knowledge during the course, and as a resource guide that includes learning objectives, and individual exercises. 4. Target Audience: The course is recommended for project managers with three years of experience, who are sitting for the PMP Exam, or simply needing to assess their current project management knowledge, or needing a PMP certification to increase competitiveness in international markets. 6. Course Agenda: - Duration: 6 weeks , twice per week , Sat and Tue .
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