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Project Coordinator ( Female is preferred )  - القاهرة - مصر

رمز الإعلان: 261004
غير محدد
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Project Coordinator ( Female is preferred ) 

Job Description: • Our growing company is seeking to hire a Project Coordinator who will be in charge of assisting our Project Managers in organizing our ongoing projects. This task involves monitoring project plans, schedules, work hours, budgets, and expenditures, organizing and participating in stakeholder meetings, and ensuring that project deadlines are met in a timely manner. • To be successful as a Project Coordinator, you will need to be able to work on tight deadlines, be competent in using Microsoft Office applications such as Word and Excel, and have exceptional verbal, written, and presentation skills. A bachelor's degree in a related field of study and at least three (3) years of relevant experience is required for consideration. Project Coordinator Responsibilities: • Maintaining and monitoring project plans, project schedules, work hours, budgets and expenditures. • Organizing, attending and participating in stakeholder meetings. • Documenting and following up on important actions and decisions from meetings. • Preparing necessary presentation materials for meetings. • Ensuring project deadlines are met. • Determining project changes. • Providing administrative support as needed. • Undertaking project tasks as required. • Developing project strategies. • Ensuring projects adhere to frameworks and all documentation is maintained appropriately for each project. • Assess project risks and issues and provide solutions where applicable. • Ensure stakeholder views are managed towards the best solution. • Chair and facilitate meetings where appropriate and distribute minutes to all project team members. • Create a project management calendar for fulfilling each goal and objective. Project Coordinator Requirements: • Bachelor degree in business or related field of study. • Three years experience in related field. • Exceptional verbal, written and presentation skills. • Ability to work effectively both independently and as part of a

السعر: غير محدد
رمز الإعلان: 261004
  • تاريخ بداية الإعلان:
  • 2019.01.18
  • الدولة
  • مصر Egypt
  • المحافظة
  • القاهرة
  • المدينة:
  • زهراء المعادى
  • الفترة الزمنية المتبقية
  • إنتهت فترة الإعلان.
التواصل سيكون مع صاحب العمل

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رسالة من إدارة الموقع: رجاءاً كن حذراً من اي نصب. لا تقوم بارسال مال أو معلومات شخصية لأي شخص او مؤسسة مشبوهه أو غير موثوقة. من الصعب على إدارة الموقع التاكد من هوية كل معلن أو قانونية وشرعية ما يقدمة. لا تقوم بأخد إي دواء دون إستشارة طبيب.
