إعلان مبوب
المشاهدات: 939
Egyptian Fresh Artichoke - دمنهور - مصر
رمز الإعلان: 192371Egyptian Fresh Artichoke
Raya Trade for export and import agricultural crops , provide the company's products for Egyptian Artichoke is artichoke is a variety of a species of thistle cultured as a food. The editable portion of the plant consist of the flower buds before the flowers come into bloom. The budding artichoke flower-head is a cluster of many budding small flowers (an inflorescence) together with many bracts, on an edible base. Once the buds bloom, the structure changes to a coarse, barelyible form. Another variety of the same species is the cardoon, a perennial plant native to the Mediterranean region. Both wild forms and cultivable varieties (cultivars) exist. ( 00201226442829 – 00201022030114 – 00201288585200 ) www.rayacrops.com https://www.facebook.com/rayacrops
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