إعلان مبوب
المشاهدات: 297
موقع جديد للعلات عن الافكار والمشاريع والدراسات للاستفادة منها - القاهرة - مصر
رمز الإعلان: 146483موقع جديد للعلات عن الافكار والمشاريع والدراسات للاستفادة منها
Dear all, It is our pleasure to announce a new site www.ideasinsite.com IDEAS IN SITE (IIS) presents Ideas / Projects / Studies in different fields, gives the chance to the owners of companies and projects to see these ideas and contact with the ideas’ owners to benefit from their ideas and implement, and that is by connecting between them through the site. For individuals: they can put their Ideas / Projects / Studies with necessary details in the site, and all their personal information will not be published. Each Idea / Project / Study will have a code. For owners of companies and projects: who would like the main information about a(n) Idea / Project / Study’s owner can send to ask for. For more information please visit the site to see How it Works. As mentioned in the site; you can also Follow us on: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+. GOOD LUCK. IDEAS IN SITE
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